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vRealize Automation – Service Now MID install

Step 1 – Setup the service now developer instance

Browse to to sign up for a free developer account

Once you are logged in hit Manage > Instance > Request Instance

We will be setting up the 5.0 version of the plugin, so lets request a Jakarta instance.

You will then be presented with a page that gives you your URL + Credentials for your developer instance

Step 2 / Part 1 – Install MID Server (Management, Instrumentation, and Discovery)

Using this Doc lets setup the MID Server

Click Guided Setup > ITOM Guided Setup > Click “Get Started” in the upper right corner

Click “Get Started” under MID Server

Create MID Server User, I will use “midservice” for this demo

Now lets grab the installers for the MID server. I was provided with a .zip file with the installer bits I needed.

I will be using an Ubuntu Linux server for the MID server portion

Step 2 / Part 2 – MID install on Ubuntu server

Move the .zip file to your source server

I created a /servicenow/ directory on my source machine and downloaded the .zip file to that directory

chris@ServiceNow-MID:/servicenow$ ll total 189660 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 1 15:11 ./ drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Mar 1 15:08 ../ -rw-rw-r– 1 chris chris 194198141 Mar 1 13:13

Extract the .zip


chris@ServiceNow-MID:/servicenow$ unzip

Lets edit /agent/config.xml. Edit the 3 parameters listed below

chris@ServiceNow-MID:/servicenow/agent$ nano config.xml

  • <parameter name="url" value="https://dev*****"/>
  • <parameter name="mid.instance.username" value="midservice"/>
  • <parameter encrypt="true" name="mid.instance.password" value="passwordhere"/>

Now lets start up the CIM service with the start.bat file in the agent directory.

chris@ServiceNow-MID:/servicenow/agent$ ./ Starting ServiceNow MID Server………………………………….] Waiting for ServiceNow MID Server…… running: PID:18045

Login to the service now portal and browse to MID Server > Servers and you should see your server in the list.

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