Right now I have 2 different websites that I manage. Currently I am running on 2 amazon EC2 Linux instances
The end goal is to migrate both websites to one Google Cloud Linux instance.
Here is what I am looking to do.
Action plan
- Spin up Ubuntu in Google Cloud
- Prepare file structure on this new server
- /containers/nginx
- /containers/iliketrails.com/html
- /containers/iliketrails.com/database
- /containers/nanner.ninja/html
- /containers/nanner.ninja/database
- Prepare file structure on this new server
- Install docker and docker compose
- Copy files from AWS instances to Google Cloud
- Nanner.Ninja
- rsync files from AWS to Google Cloud
- /containers/nanner.ninja/* <> /containers/nanner.ninja/
- Iliketrails.com
- rsync wordpress data
- /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/* <> /containers/iliketrails.com/html/
- Migrate from mysql to maria DB (need to research this step)
- Nanner.Ninja
- Build containers
- nginx – Load Balancer in front of these 2 sites
- wordpress / mariaDB – Web + Database for nanner.ninja
- wordpress / mariaDB – Web + Database for iliketrails.com